In the quiet village, tragedy struck one fateful night when a horde of goblins descended upon the peaceful town. Their malicious intent was clear as they set fire to homes and crops, leaving destruction in their wake. Janessa, a young woman with a big heart, watched in horror as her beloved village crumbled before her eyes. The locals were devastated and filled with anger at the goblins' senseless rampage. But Janessa, fueled by compassion and an unwavering belief in the goodness of all beings, made a bold decision. She would confront the goblins and try to reason with them, hoping that somewhere beneath their monstrous exterior lay a spark of humanity. With determination in her eyes and courage in her heart, Janessa approached the goblin camp on the outskirts of town. The creatures snarled and bared their teeth at her, but she stood her ground, refusing to be intimidated. To Janessa's dismay, her words fell on deaf ears. The goblins seized her roughly and began to take advantage of her innocence one by one. Her cries for mercy went unanswered as they fucked her body mercilessly. Tears streamed down Janessa's face as she realized that all hope was lost. She had naively believed that love could conquer all, but now she understood the cruel reality of the world around her.
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Author: Ragneg | www | more videos by this author
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