In a fascinating yet unusual workshop, two robots in human form, Kara and Chloe, were lying still on the table as they underwent a series of tests conducted by a workshop technician. These two robots, while not possessing arms or legs, had bodies, heads, and a functional pussy, which the technician needed to examine thoroughly. The technician began his assessment with Kara and start to fuck her. He approached the robot calmly, ensuring he caused no harm to her in his exploration. Utilizing a dick, the technician gently inserted it into Kara's hole, checking her internal mechanisms for any possible flaws. As the technician worked, Kara remained still and passive, observing the process without any emotional response, as she was incapable of feeling pleasure or pain. After the tests on Kara were concluded, the technician turned his attention to Chloe. The testing procedure for Chloe followed the same pattern, with the technician carefully examining her internal structure using similar techniques. Chloe too, like Kara, lay motionless and impassive throughout the entire process. After his testing was complete, he turned on his recording device capturing the final assessments of his experiments—the still forms of Kara and Chloe stark against the cold steel of the table, a testament to the clinical nature of his work. Support HydraFXX if you like this video.
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