Tsunade, the legendary kunoichi and fifth Hokage of Konoha, found herself in an unusual and unexpected situation. She was playing a high-stakes game of strip poker with a man whose name she didn't even know. Despite her reputation as a skilled and strategic shinobi, luck seemed to have abandoned her today, and she steadily lost clothing as the game went on. Eventually, she was left in nothing but her undergarments, while her opponent remained fully clothed. However, Tsunade's ordeal was far from over. The man demanded that she pay off her debt to him in a more carnal manner. She took his cock and shoved it between her ample breasts, using them to fuck him in a way that only a woman of her endowments could. She found herself becoming more and more turned on by the sensation of his hard dick sliding back and forth between her cleavage. As she continued to fuck him with her tits, Tsunade's mouth inched closer and closer to his dick head, until she could no longer resist the temptation to take him in her mouth. She wrapped her lips around him and began to suck, swirling her tongue around his shaft and savoring the taste of his skin. Tsunade felt a strange sense of satisfaction at being able to bring him such pleasure. Her efforts were soon rewarded, as the man reached his orgasm and ejaculated all over her face. Tsunade closed her eyes and revealed the sensation of his thick, sticky cum hitting her skin. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, eagerly tasting every last drop of him. Support NeoReptil if you like this video.
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